She Still Calls Me Daddy
Building a New Relationship with Your Daughter After You Walk Her Down the Aisle.
By Robert Wolgemuth
First thank you to Thomas Nelson publishing for sending me this book to review. And I know what most of you are thinking...why would I be reading this book none of my girls are anywhere near going down the aisle and I am not their father! That's what I was wondering when I got this book. Why did I choose this one? It turns out however that it was actually a really good choice! My suggestion is that you buy this book if you are a woman about to get married, read it and then give it to your parents to read.
I learned a lot about what he calls the remodeling process. It's great because I can understand this. We are remodeling our home and understand how hard it can be. You get to a certain place and you want to give up.
He is great at giving Biblical examples of both good and bad ways of how your relationship should be after your daughter gets married. For one he gives the example of David's wife and how she was always called Saul's daughter and not David's wife. He mentioned how it should be different because you are giving away your daughter at her wedding and she becomes fully her husbands.
He also goes into how the marriage and letting go of your daughter can be a hard thing on your own marriage. That it's important to take that time to really keep connected with your wife, because really she is probably having a harder time with it.
He talks about how communication with your daughter will look different and how you should stick with up lifting conversations and cross examination comments are not allowed. They can cause difficulties. He also talks about how written communication is a great way, but to keep it to up lifting words.
Also the importance of your relationship with your son-in-law and how he is now the main man in her life, and it's important to keep the communication lines open and to not try and over step your bounds.
One of my favorite things he said in his book was that in the Hebrew language the word for sister is hardly ever found in the singular. This is because even if you only had one sister she was really like two sisters. The first sister before she got married, and the sister she would be after she got married. That really she becomes a different person.
My only complaint about this book is that it feels as if he is writing to a group of small children. He tends to repeat the same thing over again just in different words. I am sure he was just wanting to get his point across, but it kind of came across like he was speaking to children.
I would recommend this book.